Jorge A. Perez M.D. F.A.C.S. Get Directions

Perez Plastic Surgery

Month: January 2013

A Valentine’s Special: Sweethearts’ Plastic Surgery

            Pairs’ plastic surgery is more common than might be expected. Patients often find themselves coordinating procedures with their closest support members. Over the past twenty years we have welcomed simultaneous plastic surgery combinations for siblings, friends, parent-child, significant other (his-hers, his-his, her-hers) and more.


Valentine’s month is therefore appropriate to discuss sweetheart plastic surgery. These procedures are commonly performed for both men and women.


Refresh the Eyelids


            Men and women both begin to first notice aging changes   around the eyes. The tired, heavy look is a combination of extra upper eyelid skin and lower eyelid bags. The lower lid bags are mainly small fat pockets that can be removed for a fresher, more rested appearance. Other factors, such as high blood pressure, salt intake and certain diseases can also contribute to puffy eyes.


Upper eyelid skin can cause hooding that adds to the tired look. The correction is performed by removing the extra skin and a small amount of fat. The combination of upper and lower eyelid tuck can create a dramatic difference in the overall facial youthfulness.



Neck Lift


Another area that commonly concerns men and women is the laxity of skin, fat and muscle under the jawline. Men often come for consultation pinching the waddle under the chin. Although women often opt for full face and neck rejuvenation, men sometimes prefer the less invasive necklift procedure.


We favor the use of ultrasound with neck tightening procedures. Combined with eyelid surgery, the procedure often produces dramatic results and can reduce the aging appearance by decades.



Body Sculpting


Men are usually more discrete about their desire for body contouring procedures but are nonetheless eager and willing participants. Ultrasonic body sculpting typically produces less pain and a rapid recovery, which makes it ideal for men.


The main difference between men and women is in the areas for liposculpting. Men want improvement in the belly and love handles, while women often target the thighs as well. In addition, a unique body sculpting area for men is the breast for a condition called gynecomastia. Ultrasonic is especially useful for this purpose.


Valentine’s reminds us that pair’s plastic surgery can be a unique experience for couples to share. Advantages can even include togetherness during recovery. As always, consultation with a plastic surgeon experienced in the full range of procedures is important. Happy Valentine’s!




About the Doctor:


Dr. Perez has been selected among Castle Connolly/U.S. News and World Report’s America’s Top Doctors. He has lectured internationally on facial rejuvenation and body contouring topics and has been featured as a plastic surgery expert for major news outlets. Dr. Perez was an original investigator for Ultrasonic Liposuction studies and has been performing the procedure for 15 years. For more information call (954) 351-2200 or visit


Ornaments Too Low? Need A Lift For The Holidays? Breast Lift Surgery Can Provide the Cure


Cosmetic plastic surgery can be generally characterized by three types of procedures. Plastic surgeons make big things smaller, small things bigger, and we pick up what falls down. The latter is a common consequence of the breast aging process.


The most common cosmetic breast performed by plastic surgeons is augmentation. However, for some patients the problem is not size, but rather position of the breasts and nipples. Breast droopiness occurs for two reasons; gravity and skin quality. Gravity, the plastic surgeon’s best friend, cannot be changed. Skin quality is impacted by many variables. Things like pregnancies, weight fluctuations and genetics all play a role in the tone of a woman’s breast skin.


The Diagnosis

            The first step to determine the correct breast procedure is a thorough and honest consultation. Breast lift surgery creates significant scarring which must be factored into the decision. The two most common measurements taken at the examination are the distance from the midline neck notch to the nipple, and the distance from the nipple to the crease at the bottom of the breast. These help the surgeon choose the best procedure for each patient.


Treatment Options


Women with breast measurements that exceed the ideal for their figure are candidates for breast lift surgery, also called mastopexy. Several options exist for mastopexy, each with varying degrees of scarring. The patient should consult with a plastic surgeon experienced with these options and be able to see photographic examples of each surgery.


The most common type of breast lift is the classic “anchor” or Wise pattern. The procedure raises the nipple-areola (which can also be reduced in diameter), tightens the skin to make the breast perkier, and recreates a shapelier teardrop silhouette. A variation of this technique is the LeJour, or “lollipop” scar procedure.


A less common, but very valuable procedure is the peri-areolar lift because it carries far less scarring than the other options. It is also known as the Benelli lift, named after the French plastic surgeon who initially described the technique. It is especially useful for women seeking a limited scarring breast lift with simultaneous implant augmentation. The technique is difficult to master and is not offered by all plastic surgeons.


Mastopexy surgery can enhance a woman’s figure. Some women may choose to change size as well. It can be combined with breast augmentation or reduction. However, breast lift should be carefully considered only after consultation with a plastic surgeon experienced in the various options.

About the Author:


Dr. Perez is a member of the NOVO National Council of Leaders in Breast Aesthetics. He has served as a consultant for both Mentor (J&J) and Inamed (Allergan), leading breast implant manufacturers. Dr. Perez has lectured internationally on the subject of breast lift surgery and has been selected among the Castle Connolly (U.S. News & World Report) America’s Top Doctors. More information is available at or call (954) 351-2200. Visit our website blog to learn about The Dirty Little Secrets of Plastic Surgery.


Plastic Surgery, Diet and Exercise: 3 Coins in the Fountain…of Youth

            Plastic surgery is more popular now than ever before. However, many misconceptions exist about the role of plastic surgery and overall wellness. We often see patients who believe that surgery is the solution to an overweight or sedentary lifestyle. The reality is that plastic surgery, diet and exercise are all pieces of the puzzle. The best results are achieved when each piece is correctly applied.


Eat Right


A well balanced, varied and moderate diet is both healthy and necessary to maintain ideal body weight. Patients sometimes think that liposuction is a treatment to remove large volumes of fat. Liposuction is not intended to be a treatment for obesity. In fact, fat is not very dense tissue so the weight of liposuction fat is often only a few pounds, hardly a dent in an overweight patient.


I often recommend that overweight patients work with nutritionists to reach a reasonable weight before considering surgery. The ideal body contour candidate is at a good weight and in physical shape.


Get to the Gym

            Another misconception is that “If I just have a six pack chiseled into my abdomen by a plastic surgeon I don’t have to do crunches”. Wrong. Exercise is critical to developing a lean, well defined physique as well as improving overall fitness. Zumba moms, spin fanatics and ballroom dancers are among our most common patients because they are fit, lean and want to look as good as they feel. We often work in tandem with personal trainers to achieve the best results.


So What’s Plastic Surgery For?

            Diet is to maintain weight. Exercise is for fitness and definition. So where does plastic surgery fit in? Well, I like to define plastic surgery as three types of procedures; we make big things smaller, we make small things bigger, and we pick up what Mother Nature causes to fall down.


Here are a few examples of the more common procedures we perform. Breast augmentation is common for women in such good shape that they’ve lost their breast fat. Breast reduction (for women or men) or breast lift may be necessary if there is too much tissue or loose skin. Tummy tucks are common among moms or yo-yo dieters because neither diet nor exercise will eliminate the stretch marks or tighten the loose belly skin and muscles. Liposuction is best for stubborn areas such as love handles and outer thigh saddle bags. And facial rejuvenation surgery such as eyelids, face and neck lifts help the face look as youthful as the body.

So remember the fountain of youth requires all three; diet, exercise and plastic surgery. One is not a substitute for the others. However, as with all plastic surgery, a skilled, experienced surgeon, a safe facility, and a competent anesthesiologist are also key to a successful outcome.


About the Doctor:


Dr. Perez has been selected among Castle Connolly/U.S. News and World Report’s America’s Top Doctors (again for 2012-2013). He has lectured internationally and been featured as a plastic surgery expert for major media outlets. Surgery is performed at the Broward Health Weston facility.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Perez call (954) 351-2200. To learn more about any of these procedures, or to view our recent ABC News segments, featuring Dr. Perez visit


Breast Augmentation: Adequate vs. Awesome


Breast augmentation surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in plastic surgery. In 2011 over 300,000 breast implant procedures were performed in the U.S., representing an increase over the previous two years.

Most of these procedures were performed by board certified plastic surgeons. However, as with most aesthetic surgery, these credentials are sometimes insufficient to achieve the best outcome. An eye for beauty and balance, as well as a good ear for patients’ desires, are just as important.

Patients are often lured by “free consultations” and car dealer-type discounts. However, simply putting in implants to enlarge the breast mound is not enough. Cleavage, implant pocket sculpting and nipple-areolar position are just a few of the many important fine points that cannot be overlooked if a woman is to achieve her personal best. Bikini season is here, so let’s talk about the difference between just an adequate breast augmentation and an awesome one.


It’s All About the Cleavage


Cleavage, the separation between the breasts, is an important part of a woman’s breast appearance. It therefore follows that a goal of augmentation surgery should be to narrow, and improve, the breast cleavage. I am often surprised by surgeons at conferences, or on their websites, who tout great results, yet show a wider cleavage gap after than in the before photos. Placing the breast implant closer towards the center of the chest can be a challenge for some surgeons because of the complex anatomy of the area. Nevertheless, an attractive cleavage makes a better result.


Drifting: the Breast Implant Kind


A significant portion of our practice is dedicated to corrective surgery for patients who are unhappy with their original augmentation. I have observed a common condition where the breast augmentation pocket is too far out and the implants fall towards the armpits when the patient lays flat. I call it drifting. Drifting is definitely not an attractive bikini beach look. The good news is that we have had great success in correcting this problem. Readers can visit our website for examples of before and after pictures of our corrective procedure.


And Don’t Forget the Nipples


Part of a thorough consultation for breast augmentation is analysis of the patient’s nipple-areola. Sometimes these important structures do not fall in a symmetrical and ideal position. If the patient desires, the areola can be modified or repositioned at the time of augmentation to achieve a more appealing result. Fine points in breast augmentation make the difference between just an adequate result and an awesome one. Take the time and effort to research the right plastic surgeon in order to achieve your personal best.


About the Author:


Dr. Perez is a member of the NOVO National Council of Leaders in Breast Aesthetics. He has served as a consultant for both Mentor (J&J) and Inamed (Allergan), leading breast implant manufacturers. Dr. Perez has lectured internationally on the subject of breast surgery and has been selected among the Castle Connolly (U.S. News & World Report) America’s Top Doctors. More information is available at or call (954) 351-2200. Visit our website blog to learn about The Dirty Little Secrets of Plastic Surgery.


Complex Facial Reconstruction: The Miami Face Eating Tragedy (Original Article)

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            The news media and internet have been buzzing with stories about a recent tragedy in Miami, Florida. A homeless man in Miami Beach, under the influence of a drug-induced high, cannibalized another homeless man. The attacker was eating the victim’s face and was eventually shot and killed by a police officer because he refused to stop.


The bizarre attack generated rumors of zombie behavior and soon gruesome photographs of a faceless victim spread throughout the internet. The victim was taken to a Miami trauma center for treatment and is currently recovering. I have been asked to comment on the reconstructive aspects of such an unusual and complex case.


I recall a very similar patient I personally cared for in New York many years ago. Early one morning I was called to our trauma center emergency department to see a young man with a severe facial injury. He had gotten drunk and argued with his mother. He decided to commit suicide and fired a shotgun under his chin. However, the gun angle was forward and his face took the full effect of the blast injury.


Where Do You Start?


The management of these complex facial injuries is divided into 3 phases. The initial phase is acute resuscitation. Just as with any other trauma patient, the ABC’s of airway, breathing, and circulation, must be followed. Often tissue debris or blood can obstruct the airway and compromise breathing. Lacerations to large arteries can also cause significant blood loss.


Once the patient is deemed stable the initial goal is to surgically clean the tissue and close or cover open wounds in order to allow healing and prevent infection. Wound closure can be difficult if there is a deficiency of tissue. The judicious use of biologic dressings and skin grafts is important. In addition, during the subacute phase, infection is a risk because the human mouth contains a high density of bacteria. Strong antibiotics and vigorous wound care are critical during this period which can last for weeks or months.


The third, or reconstructive, phase will require multiple surgical procedures likely over several years. The principle followed by plastic surgeons in such cases is to give priority to function, such as sight, smell, eating and speech. Cosmetic considerations, although important, are secondary to function. Bony structures, if jaw damage exists, are reconstructed first and then soft tissue is built upon this foundation.


Many options exist for reconstruction, however, the patient’s own tissue will generally be the most compatible. For example, a jaw can be framed from the patient’s own hipbone. If possible, it is preferable to use adjacent facial skin and muscle. If damage is too extensive then soft tissue can be harvested from other body areas such as the arm or even the buttocks and transferred to the face by microscopic attachment. Recently, headlines have been made by full face transplantation. These complex reconstructive cases typically require multiple professionals, including surgeons, dentists, therapists, nurses, social workers and others to work cooperatively.

About the Author:


Dr. Perez is plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He is a graduate of The Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. Dr. Perez has been selected among Castle Connolly/U.S. News and World Report’s America’s Top Doctorsevery year since 2000 (again for 2012-2013). He has lectured internationally and been featured as a plastic surgery expert for major media outlets.