Jorge A. Perez M.D. F.A.C.S. Get Directions

Perez Plastic Surgery

Body Contouring

A Valentine’s Special: Sweethearts’ Plastic Surgery

            Pairs’ plastic surgery is more common than might be expected. Patients often find themselves coordinating procedures with their closest support members. Over the past twenty years we have welcomed simultaneous plastic surgery combinations for siblings, friends, parent-child, significant other (his-hers, his-his, her-hers) and more.


Valentine’s month is therefore appropriate to discuss sweetheart plastic surgery. These procedures are commonly performed for both men and women.


Refresh the Eyelids


            Men and women both begin to first notice aging changes   around the eyes. The tired, heavy look is a combination of extra upper eyelid skin and lower eyelid bags. The lower lid bags are mainly small fat pockets that can be removed for a fresher, more rested appearance. Other factors, such as high blood pressure, salt intake and certain diseases can also contribute to puffy eyes.


Upper eyelid skin can cause hooding that adds to the tired look. The correction is performed by removing the extra skin and a small amount of fat. The combination of upper and lower eyelid tuck can create a dramatic difference in the overall facial youthfulness.



Neck Lift


Another area that commonly concerns men and women is the laxity of skin, fat and muscle under the jawline. Men often come for consultation pinching the waddle under the chin. Although women often opt for full face and neck rejuvenation, men sometimes prefer the less invasive necklift procedure.


We favor the use of ultrasound with neck tightening procedures. Combined with eyelid surgery, the procedure often produces dramatic results and can reduce the aging appearance by decades.



Body Sculpting


Men are usually more discrete about their desire for body contouring procedures but are nonetheless eager and willing participants. Ultrasonic body sculpting typically produces less pain and a rapid recovery, which makes it ideal for men.


The main difference between men and women is in the areas for liposculpting. Men want improvement in the belly and love handles, while women often target the thighs as well. In addition, a unique body sculpting area for men is the breast for a condition called gynecomastia. Ultrasonic is especially useful for this purpose.


Valentine’s reminds us that pair’s plastic surgery can be a unique experience for couples to share. Advantages can even include togetherness during recovery. As always, consultation with a plastic surgeon experienced in the full range of procedures is important. Happy Valentine’s!




About the Doctor:


Dr. Perez has been selected among Castle Connolly/U.S. News and World Report’s America’s Top Doctors. He has lectured internationally on facial rejuvenation and body contouring topics and has been featured as a plastic surgery expert for major news outlets. Dr. Perez was an original investigator for Ultrasonic Liposuction studies and has been performing the procedure for 15 years. For more information call (954) 351-2200 or visit


Plastic Surgery, Diet and Exercise: 3 Coins in the Fountain…of Youth

            Plastic surgery is more popular now than ever before. However, many misconceptions exist about the role of plastic surgery and overall wellness. We often see patients who believe that surgery is the solution to an overweight or sedentary lifestyle. The reality is that plastic surgery, diet and exercise are all pieces of the puzzle. The best results are achieved when each piece is correctly applied.


Eat Right


A well balanced, varied and moderate diet is both healthy and necessary to maintain ideal body weight. Patients sometimes think that liposuction is a treatment to remove large volumes of fat. Liposuction is not intended to be a treatment for obesity. In fact, fat is not very dense tissue so the weight of liposuction fat is often only a few pounds, hardly a dent in an overweight patient.


I often recommend that overweight patients work with nutritionists to reach a reasonable weight before considering surgery. The ideal body contour candidate is at a good weight and in physical shape.


Get to the Gym

            Another misconception is that “If I just have a six pack chiseled into my abdomen by a plastic surgeon I don’t have to do crunches”. Wrong. Exercise is critical to developing a lean, well defined physique as well as improving overall fitness. Zumba moms, spin fanatics and ballroom dancers are among our most common patients because they are fit, lean and want to look as good as they feel. We often work in tandem with personal trainers to achieve the best results.


So What’s Plastic Surgery For?

            Diet is to maintain weight. Exercise is for fitness and definition. So where does plastic surgery fit in? Well, I like to define plastic surgery as three types of procedures; we make big things smaller, we make small things bigger, and we pick up what Mother Nature causes to fall down.


Here are a few examples of the more common procedures we perform. Breast augmentation is common for women in such good shape that they’ve lost their breast fat. Breast reduction (for women or men) or breast lift may be necessary if there is too much tissue or loose skin. Tummy tucks are common among moms or yo-yo dieters because neither diet nor exercise will eliminate the stretch marks or tighten the loose belly skin and muscles. Liposuction is best for stubborn areas such as love handles and outer thigh saddle bags. And facial rejuvenation surgery such as eyelids, face and neck lifts help the face look as youthful as the body.

So remember the fountain of youth requires all three; diet, exercise and plastic surgery. One is not a substitute for the others. However, as with all plastic surgery, a skilled, experienced surgeon, a safe facility, and a competent anesthesiologist are also key to a successful outcome.


About the Doctor:


Dr. Perez has been selected among Castle Connolly/U.S. News and World Report’s America’s Top Doctors (again for 2012-2013). He has lectured internationally and been featured as a plastic surgery expert for major media outlets. Surgery is performed at the Broward Health Weston facility.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Perez call (954) 351-2200. To learn more about any of these procedures, or to view our recent ABC News segments, featuring Dr. Perez visit


New Year, New You: 5 Plastic Surgery Procedures to Start the New Year

            It’s resolution time again. Exercise, weight reduction and improving our appearance are always high on the list of objectives for the new year. Here are 5 popular plastic surgery procedures that produce a valuable, big-bang-for-the-buck change to begin the journey. The procedures featured here are very popular and offer a significant change with a high degree of patient satisfaction.


Eyelid Tuck


            The first place aging becomes evident is around the eyes. If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the eyelids are the curtains that allow us enjoy the view. The upper lids develop excess skin causing hooding.  The puffy bags on the lower lids create a tired look.


The procedure of choice to correct tired eyelids is the eyelid tuck or blepharoplasty. It is one of my personal favorites to perform and is the most commonly performed aging procedure for men. The procedure takes 45 minutes and patients soon enjoy a refreshed and less tired look.



Face/Neck Lift


Facelift territory includes the area of the cheeks, jawline and neck. As we age the skin and other tissues sag from the underlying bony structures. Although highly advertised under many catchy terms, surgical facelift procedures generally fall into two categories, mini and full. A mini-facelift is best suited for patients in their 40’s or younger who just want to freshen the cheek and jawline.


The patient for traditional face and necklift is in her late 40’s and older with laxity of the jawline and neck, often with turkey-like banding. Combined with eyelid surgery, the procedure often produces dramatic results and can reduce the aging appearance by decades.



Breast Augmentation or Breast Reduction


Breast augmentation surgery is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in plastic surgery. Women choosing breast implant surgery want to achieve greater fullness and cleavage and fit their clothing more naturally. Many implant options exist and attention to detail is important. Breast augmentation is also one of the most commonly re-done procedures so women should carefully choose a compatible surgeon based upon credentials and experience.


Women who experience neck and back pain from heavy pendulous breasts can achieve a significant lifestyle improvement with breast reduction. Breast reduction can improve exercise tolerance, as well as lead to weight reduction and greater overall fitness.


Tummy Tuck



            Pregnancy or weight loss can create changes in a woman’s abdominal skin and muscles. In these cases, the procedure of choice is an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck. Tummy tuck surgery results in a substantial removal of excess skin and stretch marks, as well as tightening of the muscles. The result is a remarkable improvement in the belly with a very high degree of satisfaction.


Regardless of where you choose to start, these procedures, in the hands of a skilled surgeon, can produce dramatic results and patients who are among the happiest in plastic surgery. Bon voyage.


About the Doctor:


Dr. Perez has been selected among Castle Connolly/U.S. News and World Report’s America’s Top Doctors. He has lectured internationally and been featured as a plastic surgery expert for major news outlets. Dr. Perez is a member of the National Council of Leaders in Breast Aesthetics and was selected as a principal investigator for a national FDA-approved study on abdominoplasty. For more information call (954) 351-2200 or visit


May is Mommy Makeover Month (Original Article)

May is the month we dedicate to celebrate motherhood. It’s only fitting, therefore, that we also recognize the changes that motherhood brings.

Of course, becoming a mother alters the life of a woman in many ways, often running the gamut of emotional experiences. There are also changes to a woman’s body that accompany growing, carrying and bearing a child.

Pregnancy, and the weight gain that occur, create growth, not only of the baby, but also of the mom. Among the structures that grow to accommodate the new addition is mom’s belly skin. Sometimes the skin has difficulty expanding evenly so it cracks in areas. These cracks in the skin are what we identify as stretch marks.

Labor and delivery also create changes in the woman’s pelvis, allowing the hips to relax and widen during the birthing process. Multiple pregnancies multiply this effect on the woman’s body. These permanent changes are, however, well compensated by the joys of motherhood

The other parts of the woman’s body greatly affected by pregnancy are the breasts. The breasts grow and engorge in preparation for feeding the infant. Many women like the appearance of their breasts during pregnancy because the breasts become full and robust. Often women are disappointed after pregnancy when the breasts lose their fullness and begin to drift downward.

The good news is that many of the undesirable effects on the woman’s body from pregnancy can often be minimized before, or improved afterwards, through good perinatal care, as well as, the judicious and timely use of plastic surgery.


Let’s Start at the Top

            The breasts typically lose their fullness and descend to a lower position after pregnancy. Sometimes the areolae also stretch. The reasons for these changes are simple; gravity and skin tone.

The surgical treatment of post-pregnancy breast changes depends upon the condition. Lack of fullness requires placement of implants to restore volume. Nowadays many implant choices are available. Women who choose to breast feed should defer breast augmentation until the breasts revert back to their dry, pre-pregnancy state, usually 1-2 months after cessation of feeding.

Breast droopiness requires a lift procedure. Lift techniques vary but typically involve a greater degree of scarring than simple breast augmentation. Patients need to be ok with these scars and should have a thorough consultation to review them prior to surgery. Areolae can also be made smaller at the same time. Sometimes patients can benefit from both a breast lift and augmentation to restore position and fullness.


Then There’s the Baby Belly

            The abdomen does the heavy lifting in pregnancy. It’s no surprise therefore, that, after pregnancy, skin redundancy and stretch marks can remain. Another interesting effect of pregnancy is a separation of the paired rectus abdominus (i.e sit-up) muscles. The result is a gap between the muscles resembling a hernia. It is because of this anatomical separation of the muscles that abdominal exercises after pregnancy, such as sit-ups, although beneficial, are of limited value.

In cases of loose abdominal skin, stretch marks, and muscle separtation, the procedure of choice is an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck. Like the breast lift, tummy tuck surgery requires scars that need to be accepted by the patient. The tradeoff, however, is substantial removal of excess skin and stretch marks, as well as repositioning of the muscles. The result is a dramatic tightening of the belly with a very high degree of satisfaction. Tummy tuck patients are among the happiest in my practice.

Since both the breasts and the belly are affected by pregnancy, women often choose a combination of procedures. Sometimes even other areas, such as the love handles or the thighs also become part of the mommy makeover.

Combination procedures require additional safety considerations with respect to the operating facility and anesthesia. As with all plastic surgery a thorough and honest consultation with an experienced surgeon is key to a happy mommy. Happy Mother’s Day!



About the Author:


Jorge A. Perez, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a board certified plastic surgeon in Ft. Lauderdale. He is a member of the NOVO National Council of Leaders in Breast Aesthetics. He has served as a consultant for both Mentor (J&J) and Inamed (Allergan), leading breast implant manufacturers.

He has lectured internationally on the subject of breast surgery and body contouring and has been selected among the Castle Connolly (U.S. News & World Report) America’s Top Doctors. More information is available at or or call (954) 351-2200.

Liposuction 2012: Are you Lipoconfused? (Original Article)

· Body Contouring, Liposuction · No Comments

The terms are a confusing array of  lipoverbs; liposuction, liposelection, liposculpture, smartlipo, smoothlipo, soundlipo, coollipo, and on and on…

Though the terms may be different, the goals are the same; the removal of undesirable fat from areas of the body to improve the contour with the least amount of damage to the other tissues.


The History of Liposuction: It all Starts with an Idea

            It is certainly plausible that women since the age of Hippocrates have been asking doctors, “Gee, doc, can’t you just suck it out?”. However, modern liposuction began in the mid-1970’s. Gynecologists inGermany began using curette instruments to scrape fat from under the skin surface. The technique, modified by French surgeon and gynecologist Yves Ilouz, quickly evolved to the use of a closed, hollow suction device, similar to instruments used to perform uterine suction procedures.

Throughout the 1970’s and 80’s this new liposuction procedure gained great popularity in theU.S.and throughout the world. Unfortunately, the cannulae used to suction the fat also had a destructive effect on the other structures under the skin, namely the nerves, blood vessels, and fibrous connective tissue. The consequence was prolonged or permanent numbness, rippling of the skin, and bleeding. The latter could be problematic in cases of removal of larger amounts of fat. Anecdotal cases of severe injury and even death occurred during this period, secondary to significant blood loss. Tragic liposuction stories surfaced in the media as the interest in plastic surgery grew in theU.S.and worldwide, a safety stigma that still haunts liposuction to this day.

The Focus on Safety

            In the late 1980’s improved cannula design and smaller diameters diminished the incidence of severe skin irregularities with traditional liposuction. In addition, dermatologists and plastic surgeons began using an injection of liquid solution prior to suction to both provide anesthesia and reduce blood loss.

Formulas can vary but are typically made up of  salt water, a local anesthetic for pain control, and epinephrine to diminish the size of blood vessels. The solution is injected into the fat, prior to suction, to a state of “tumescence”, or tissue engorgement. Tumescent liposuction significantly improved safety and is still widely used today.


Sound Waves, the Next Generation of Liposuction

            Surgeons in Europe andSouth Americabegan experimenting with the use of sound waves to dissolve fat in the 1990’s. They found that waves in the ultrasound range generated a frequency that would burst the fat cells but did little damage to the other structures (blood vessels, nerves, etc.) that were desirable to spare. Ultrasonic energy was, of course, not new to medicine, nor was it unique to plastic surgery. Pregnant women have relied on the safety and accuracy of ultrasounds for decades.

The exciting and very significant improvement offered by ultrasonic lipoplasty, however, was the specificity with which fat could be liquefied and gently removed without collateral damage to nerves, blood vessels and other structures. The procedure is also used in conjunction with tumescent fluid infiltration, so blood loss is negligible. As with most procedures, it requires a skilled and experienced surgeon to achieve the optimal results.


The Laser makes its’ Mark

            Recently laser technology, initially utilized for elimination of facial wrinkles,  has been adapted for use in body contouring. Catchy terms like “smartlipo”, “coollipo” and “smoothlipo” have been cleverly utilized as marketing tools to sell these very expensive devices to surgeons and, in turn, to patients.

The benefits of laser liposuction are still under review by skeptical plastic surgeons. The procedure is slow, can create significant burns, and requires the use of the old fashioned, traumatic, traditional liposuction. In order to achieve the advertised benefits, patients need to insist that the entire procedure be performed using the laser.

Liposuction has evolved since its’ introduction in the mid-1970’s. Advances in technique and equipment have improved the safety and results associated with liposuction. It continues to be one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery.



About Dr. Perez


            Jorge A. Perez, M.D., F.A.C.S.  was one of 10 U.S. physicians selected as F.D.A. clinical investigators for ultrasonic lipoplasty. He has performed hundreds of procedures and has lectured to thousands of surgeons in over 25 countries worldwide on the subject of liposuction and body contouring.

Dr. Perez has been selected among Castle Connolly/U.S. News and World Report’s America’s Top Doctors. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Perez call (954) 351-2200. To learn more about his practice or any of these procedures, visit